Re: Re[2]: This is not The National Inquirer

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Apr 29 1997 - 00:31:14 MDT

> >Actually I find the political claim--the idea that some unnamed agency
> >of government might be capable of supressing a spectacularly valuable
> >invention, that it would be in their interest to do so, and that the
> >effect on the economy would be anything but positive--even more ludicrous
> >than the pseudo-scientific claims, and strong evidence that the author
> >is not merely a harmless crackpot but trying to perpetrate a deliberate
> >fraud upon his readers for some purpose I can only speculate. And while
> >I might have some sympathy for innocent dupes, I have none for criminals.
> Well, what about FDA shenanigans? As a libertarian, surely you think
> there's something a bit fishy going on there? It's not too much to
> extend one's paranoia a bit more, is it?
> Guru George

Of course--criminals are criminals whether in or out of government.
How does that relate to our discussion? I don't see any connection.
If by 'paranoia' you mean 'distrust of government', then that's fine
with me. I never expressed any trust in them, I merely find it
absurd to grant them the competence and power to do what it was
suggested they are doing. I wholly grant that they are capable of
sinister motives--in fact I assume it.

But I don't let my speculation about people's motives cloud my
judgment of facts. I don't take sides, I hold principles.

Lee Daniel Crocker <>  <>
"All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past,
are placed irrevocably in the public domain, and may be used or modified
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