Water Power (was Re: This is not The National Inquirer)

From: MikeRose (mich_ros@alcor.concordia.ca)
Date: Tue Apr 29 1997 - 00:28:26 MDT

This is not the National Inquirer, it is the Extropy List, but there does
seem to be an inquistion by some self-dubbed high priests of

(reminds me of Robert Anton Wilson's 'New Inquisition'. W. Reich
would have been given hell by some of you guys, keep up the good work
people like him shouldn't be given a voice!!!!!)

Keep the thumbscrews on the truth


        Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,
        For we are such stuff that dreams are made of.

        ____________ MikeRose@journalist.com ___________

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