Re: Open Air Space Habitats (excerpted)

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Tue Mar 25 1997 - 20:16:01 MST

Forrest Bishop wrote:
> You wrote:
> >
> >Forrest Bishop wrote:
> >>
> >> Open Air Space Habitats (excerpted)
> >>
> >> Daylight can be either provided naturally, using a suitable
> >> arrangement of mirrors, or artificial. The design
> >> presented here uses one or more artificial suns rotating above the
> >> atmosphere at a slower rate than the
> >> habitat is spinning, so as to give a 24 hour day. These lights need
> >> about a million megawatts (a terawatt) or
> >> more of electricity to power them, which might be provided by
> >> photovoltaic cells covering the exterior. For
> >> positions farther from the Sun than Earth is, this power source can
> >> also be augmented or supplanted by off-
> >> World Solar Power Satellites beaming energy back to microwave
> antennae,
> >> as well as separate mirrors to
> >> increase the energy reaching the solar cells. To keep the lit
> portion
> >> of the ring from lighting up the nightside,
> >> a shade is included as part of the rotating artificial sun system.
> >
> >I still take exception to placement of objects within the ring, unless
> >they are held in place by spoke wires made of monofilament. THese
> should
> >be numerous for redundancies sake.
> They are.
> >
> >One thing I'm interested in checking out is the possiblity of using
> >Raisch and Puthoff's ZPF theories to build virtual lenses in space,
> >which could be used out at distances like that described to focus
> large
> >volumes of solar flux to provide not only illumination for the ring,
> but
> >concentrated light for power needs. Such lenses would be of zero
> "true"
> >mass, merely warps in the time-space fabric that is the Zero Point
> Field
> >that act to bend the sunlight to the designers needs.
> >--
> >T
> I try to stay within known science and engineering practice in
> my work.
> Forrest

ZPF is "known" science. I suggest you do a websearch for Dr. H. E.
Puthoff. He and Raisch are working at Lockheed on developing practical
applications of the ZPF. Imagining virtual lenses based on their
theories is at least as practical as imagining 2000 mile diameter
ringworlds built from buckytubes, when the biggest buckytube we have now
is less than a few micrometers long. At least we know from astronomical
observations that such phenomena already exist in nature, while there
are no natural buckytube structures that we know of beyond mere

			Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------		Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Mikey's Animatronic Factory
My Own Nuclear Espionage Agency (MONEA)
MIKEYMAS(tm): The New Internet Holiday
Transhumans of New Hampshire (>HNH)
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