RE: ECON: What Jim Legg doesn't understand

From: Jim Legg (
Date: Tue Feb 04 1997 - 18:49:07 MST

> Mlorrey:
> #1 I haven't heard you state any reasonable alternatives to price
> signals.
> Transactionally complete intrinsic quantity/quality assessments in EVERYONE'S deficit accounting systems will do the trick.

All you are doing here is making a long, hopefully to you,
incomprehensible to others, rephrasing of what is commonly known as a
price signal!!!

There is as much difference between what a positive-sum 'open quantity' based system offers over one which is zero sum 'price' based as there is between a balance forward and an open item accounting system. For that matter look at the benefits of being on-line and interactive as opposed to being in batch mode. Sure the results can be similar but the structure is very different.

For a market to lose confidence, it must be ignorant, lack information,
on the data they need to make the decisions that send price signals in
return. A quick collapse is simply a break in the constant flow of price
signals, which can be caused by many things, a loss of confidence being
merely one of them. AFAIAC, it ain't broke, so don't try to fix it. If
it needs fixing, the past few decades have shown that, with
communication, the market can learn how to fix or evolve itself.

Your obviously not a systems engineer. Remember the joke: If it ain't broke it doesn't have enough features yet. For example, your mail reader can't wrap-long lines (maybe Netscape 4.0 beta 1) therefore the problem must be in my Microsoft Outlook 97 mail sender. Pass the buck - problem solved :)

The Russian experiment is a fine example of people attemting to ignore
true reality, and paper it over with legislation of their own self
deceptions. The fact that it has failed while the capital based system
that has been evolving for several thousand years is stronger than ever
is evidence that trying to ignore that history of development is simply
self deception, self feigning...

Are you saying that the Russian example was not the result of interference by international bankers and that it evolved without the express experimentation of the capitalist Hegelian puppet masters? Do you want me to name them?

WIth cyber cash, and hyper privacy, unless some body capable of
influencing money markets is able to accurately read price signals, and

I don't advocate privacy of any kind. If my entire database, warts and all, were available on the Internet, that would be so much the better. Have we now got to the crux of the matter?

practical. The faild russian experiment is a prime example of what you
get when you try to turn the existing system on its head too quickly.

Because you quote the inadequacy of early Russian information systems does this mean that you will never investigate a better system than 'price'?. Btw, what sort of old email reader are you using that can't wrap long lines?

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