RE: Immortality and Resources

From: Jim Legg (
Date: Tue Feb 04 1997 - 17:23:00 MST

> Weak
> uploading does exist today because a brain can be kept alive indefinitely
> on life support systems with sensory interfaces to computers.

Show me proof.

In 1969 Dean E. Wooldrigde (the W of TRW fame) wrote a book called "Mechanical Man" in which he outlined experiments in which a dog's head was severed and reattached to a second dog. He did not say that it was kept alive but he speculated that it could be for a long time. As to covert studies in this area you have to accept my word, right now, that they are being conducted.

The difference between a dog and a human is self determination. A human who understands and accepts the weak uploading challenge has a greater chance of survival than a dog, all things being equal. The political challenge for transhumanism is to cancel the covert activities and provide legal safeguards for volunteers.

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