Re: Evolution: Bipedalism and Baldness(was the aquatic ape)

From: Ray Peck (rpeck@PureAtria.COM)
Date: Wed Jan 29 1997 - 16:56:34 MST

Jay Reynolds Freeman writes:

>> a gorilla named Coco (?) who had been taught sufficient language
> Koko. Frances Patterson has a book and some articles out about her.

One of the things that lead to my vegetarianism was an article about
Koko in National Geographic a long time ago. (I believe there was an
earlier TV special, perhaps a Nova, about her and about the chimp
"Washo" who was taught to communicate by pressing buttons with
ideograms). Koko speaks sign language (I don't know if it's standard

Koko was given a kitten as a pet. She had the kitten for a year or
so, and then one day the kitten escaped from the site, and was hit by
a car.

When the kitten wasn't around, Koko asked where it was.

When told, Koko cried.

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