Re: Evolution: Bipedalism and Baldness(was the aquatic ape)

From: Jay Reynolds Freeman (
Date: Tue Jan 28 1997 - 09:55:03 MST

> a formula that predicted a 175% chance of intelligent life per
> galaxy. The man's name I can only recall as a Da...??*. This formula
> had about 12 factors and possibly factor 6 was bipedalism. ...
> Does anyone recall the man's name?

  Frank Drake? His formula is in essence

  Number of intelligent civilizations per galaxy =
      (rate of star formation per galaxy, per year, long ago)
    X (probability that a given stellar system produces such a civilization)
    x (lifetime of such a civilization)

  You get to multiply out whatever factors you like in the "probability"
factor. Largest uncertainty, however, may well be in the last factor,
for lifetime.

> a gorilla named Coco (?) who had been taught sufficient language

  Koko. Frances Patterson has a book and some articles out about her.

                                -- Jay Freeman, First Extropian Squirrel

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