POLITICS: Re: Avoiding nuclear anarchy

From: N.BOSTROM@lse.ac.uk
Date: Wed Jan 08 1997 - 11:44:11 MST

          Hal Finney responded in a positive tone to my suggestion. He
          ended his post with the following words:
>I want to see a free world, but I don't want my kids
>melting down into gray goo or dieing from a tailored virus.
>It is far from clear how to steer between the problems.
          True. A first step might be to recognize that the problems
          are there, and to take them seriously. Ultimately, the best
          solution may be some form of compromise. At least for me, I
          place more value on having the risk of melting down into
          gray goo along with the rest of humanity reduced than on
          insisting on an obscure notion of absolutely unlimited
          freedom. I think we would be able to overcome our bitterness
          if we had to give our "right for everyone to have his or her
          own nuke".
          Nicholas Bostrom n.bostrom@lse.ac.uk

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