Re: SPACE: ownership/homesteading

From: Robin Hanson (
Date: Tue Dec 31 1996 - 12:04:08 MST

Michael Lorrey writes:
>Based on this historical example, I would say that the company that
>builds the first linear induction mass driver could become the defacto
>power on the Moon, and would be in a superior position to prevent Earth
>authorities from putting up an argument about it.

This is plausible for *self-sufficient* colonies, but I'm not sure

>WHy? because the exchange of military might is for the most part, and in
>the strategic sense, a competition of cost effectiveness.
>... Being at the top of
>the gravity well with a large resource base puts you on top of the
>highest hill around with a huge store of ammo.

Sure, your cost of throwing rocks is lower. But your costs of all the
rest of your economy may be much higher.

Robin D. Hanson

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