Re: Goal-based AI

From: Eric Watt Forste (
Date: Tue Dec 31 1996 - 12:00:24 MST

Eli writes:
>I say, program 'em right, give 'em ethics instead of emotion, and
>let 'em loose.

Um, excuse me. This presumes a distinction between ethics and emotion
that has yet to be adequately explained.

I hope you're not going to reply to this with more of your usual
capitalized phrases like "the Meaning of Life" (as if there were only
one) or "the Purpose of the Universe" (again, as if there were only

I'm not all that worried about malevolent superintelligences, but at the
moment I don't have anything new to add to my "The SI That Ate Chicago"
post, which is available in the archives.

Eric Watt Forste ++ ++

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