Re: SPACE: Lunar Billboard?

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sun Dec 29 1996 - 19:10:46 MST

OK, here's a final scenario for an animated lunar bill board operation:

1) A shade, made of a microfilm structured like a thermocouple, so the
hot (150 C) side is one metal and the cold (3 deg above 0 K) back is
another. It spins at a rate of 1 rotation per day to maintain its
structure. It has a diameter equal in size as the moon, and orbits in a
retrograde orbit 90,000 km from the lunar COG, so its always between the
moon and the sun. The thermocouple generated energy (at about 10%
efficiency, like a low grade silicon solar cell) powers a projection
laser that beams advertizing onto the moon via a mirror system set up in
the L1, L4, and L5 lagrange points.

2) if the mirror system is unfeasible, beam the energy to a laser
projection station, via microwaves, that is located in the L1 point.

While there would be less light hitting the moon in toto, using
projection effects it can be made to appear as though it is actually

Corporations could pay for either:

1) Providing a "natural" looking moon, especially for holidays etc...
(Hallmark would have a bonanza paying for a natural moon on Valentine's

2) having their corporate logo or other animation projected onto the
lunar projection screen.

Why am I still on this subject?

Answer: Easy, I'm a geek, and geeks are known worldwide to be the
lifeblood of any AV department. Imagine my glory at operating the
biggest projection system in the world!!!!

			Michael Lorrey
Northstar Technologies		Agent
Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Inventor, Webmaster, Ski Guide, Entrepreneur, Artist, 
Outdoorsman, Libertarian, Certified Genius.

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