Re: SPACE: Lunar Billboard?

From: Sean Morgan (
Date: Sun Dec 29 1996 - 22:32:58 MST

Michael Lorrey <> wrote:

>The big difference between lunar colonies and say northern Canadian
>mines is that it will still be more expensive to shuttle people around,
>and since the resources come from there, your management and support
>infrastructures will be permanently assigned, so they will start it, and
>as they have kids, the population will expand.

My point is that the resources won't come from the Moon. Aluminum, silicon,
titanium, oxygen (though it's *very* tightly bound -- ever tried breathing
rocks?), and that's about it. The bounty is in the asteroids, and better to
leave them in orbit.

As far as we know, ore concentration processes (biological, water,
tectonics) never happened on the Moon, so one shovelful of dirt is as good
as another. Teleoperated earthmovers should suffice for "mining" equipment.

>wait till we start projecting holograms
>into earths upper atmosphere!

How do you "project" a hologram?
Sean Morgan (

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