Re: Profiting on tragedy? (was Humour)

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sat Dec 28 1996 - 12:05:43 MST

John P. Satta wrote:
> We seem to have strayed from the subject a bit.
> Any comments from the capitalists or libertarians or historians or
> authors/artists on the list about the subject: to wit should anyone make a
> profit from a work about a real historical event?
> I for one see no problem with a bona fide attempt to make a historically
> accurate movie about the Holocaust (or any other sacred cow) and being paid
> for one's efforts whether or not any of the profits are donated to a worthy
> cause.
> What do others think?
If the market will buy the product, so be it. That does not mean that
"everyone" will buy the product. Some have the right to feel that it is
in bad taste. For example, Hogans Heroes, a pretty funny movie and tv
sitcom about WWII POWs, is found by many people to be in poor taste
considering the hardship that POWs went through as prisoners of Nazi
Germany. Sure its the producers choice to make such productions, and its
the consumers choice whether or not to see such productions. That such
productions are popular is in my mind, additional evidence that the
majority of people in America have bad taste. This assertion can be
confirmed by the opinions of many in other countries toward the
"culture" that the US puts out.

			Michael Lorrey
Northstar Technologies		Agent
Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
Inventor, Webmaster, Ski Guide, Entrepreneur, Artist, 
Outdoorsman, Libertarian, Certified Genius.

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