Declining Schools (was Re: The "stupid" masses)

From: Chris Hind (
Date: Fri Dec 27 1996 - 23:14:26 MST

>Chris Hind wrote, quoting an unnamed source:
>> >If America's underclass
>> >was given access to a real education - not the condescending crap they
>> >dish out in gang-controlled public schools - and chose to use it, they'd
>> >be as good as "the stupid masses" or the rest of the middle class.

Nope, it was Eliezer's quote.

>My wife student-taught at a school in a rough part of town in 1980.
>It was common for the students to set lockers on fire during the day;
>this happened several times each week. Walking down the hall, past the
>shells of burned-out lockers, still black and (in some cases) smoking,
>you might have thought you were in a war zone.

It was the trashcans at my highschool.

>Students would routinely
>skip class, parents didn't care, and it was generally not a place where
>much learning occured (the exception was the advanced classes, where
>the kids were highly motivated).

Welcome to Southern California schools.

"A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains it's original

Chris Hind ( Upward, Outward, ACTION!
NeoReality (Personal)
Ethereal Outlook (Extropian)

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