Re: Predators and Prey

From: Chris Hind (
Date: Fri Dec 27 1996 - 23:14:33 MST

>Their memetic epidemology was surprisingly
>similar to the current wave of worry about sexual abuse (not to mention
>satanic ritual abuse); the Stockholm witch trials were uncomfortably
>similar to some of the hysteria against pedophiles right now. Such
>memidemics seem to attack people with weak social connections, i.e people
>with less-than-average social intelligence or no strong ties to the

Ummm. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you. Are you condoning pedophilia?

"A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains it's original

Chris Hind ( Upward, Outward, ACTION!
NeoReality (Personal)
Ethereal Outlook (Extropian)

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