Book review: Surpassing ourselves

Date: Wed Dec 18 1996 - 16:07:01 MST

          Those interested in the psychology of education and learning
          may want to take a look at "Surpassing Ourselves" by
          Bereiter and Scardamalia. I am usually not very fond of this
          type of "soft" psychology, -neither numbers nor concrete
          practical advise- but this book was endurable to me and
          should therefore be very enjoyable for those with a taste
          for this gengre.
          The basic idea is that what makes the difference between a
          gifted individual that never becomes anything other than
          "skilled" and one that becomes an "expert" (they use this
          term broadly, to mean "outstanding, excellent; creative") is
          in the way they approach the learning process. Most people
          see it as a one-stage problem solving taks: they are faced
          with a particular type of task, and when, after a while,
          they have learnt master that task, the learning process is
          over for their part. The "experts", on the other hand, take
          an "expertlike" approach, which means that when they have
          mastered the original task, they begin to redefine it to
          include more challenging desiderata. A doctor may begin to
          ponder *why* that treatment was successful, a car salesman
          may extend his strategy so that it is not only effective in
          selling a car to the prospective custmer, but also in
          prompting him to come back another time, to recommend the
          car shop to his friends, to become a personal friend to the
          salesman etc. etc. In short, the expertlike learner
          reinvests the resources in the learning process, and his set
          of goals evolve as his goes along. All this sounds pretty
          Nicholas Bostrom

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