Holidays and that Green Stuff

Date: Fri Dec 20 1996 - 09:02:26 MST

Finding my self in the throws of family holiday plans I have been, of course,
"against" the Christ- mas thing once again...

But yesterday I was telling my sister (our whole family is atheist, but
always did the Christmas tree etc) how they shouldnt have to buy a present
for me and she looked at me with mock suspicion and said:
"Are you against capitalism, Nadi?
I laughed... " No!"
She said , "*That's* what this is all about...This hasnt been about Christ
for years!""

So this morning I decided (as Queen of everything) that it would be a good
thing if we had a special day just for celebrating capitalism...

I could give a shit about Newtons birthday (or any dead guy I never knew for
that matter) but capitalism is something I DO care about..

; - )

Merry Capitalists' Day everyone!

Queen Muse/Nadia

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