Time Perception

From: Lyle Burkhead (LYBRHED@delphi.com)
Date: Wed Dec 18 1996 - 02:00:02 MST

Chris Hind writes,

> I remember when I first played that video game it was
> faster than any predecessor and at first I had a difficult time
> following the action onscreen but I eventually 'grew' to the point
> where it began to appear running more slowly.

This happens with many such games, but it's a side effect.
The games are designed to be entertaining; if your perception of time
changes, that's fine, but that wasn't the intention of the programmer.

But what if it were the intention of the programmer?
Suppose you had a game which was *designed* to change
the player's perception of time. Or space. Or...

Any ideas about how this could be done?


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