the plant-human

From: J. de Lyser (
Date: Fri Dec 06 1996 - 17:24:13 MST

This idea evolved while communicating with Anders Sandberg, thanks to him
for his enthousiastic feedback.

subject: implanting of plant cell tissue capable of fotosynthesis under the
human skin, to decrease the human dependence on his evironment.

advantage 1:
The decrease of dependence on food resources for energy, by the 'solar
power' provided by the plant cell tissue.

advantage 2:
The decrease of dependence on nitrogen/oxygen rich atmospheres, by the
'waste products' provided by the cell tissue.

options for practical implementation:
Colonization/voyages in hostile atmosphere environments. (space/ocean)
Increasing efficiency in the use of available resources of non hostile

To increase efficiency further:

1) the implanted cell tissue, could provide an oxygen/co2, energy, and (if
combined with 'normal' food intake) waste product exchange locally, with the
underlying cells/bloodvessels.

A second option would be to link those organs now used to filter those
substances to the tissue under the skin. (lungs, liver , etc)

the following is a calculation and reation by Anders Sandberg:

>BOTA calculations: We have around one m^2 of skin,
>assuming a third of it being in sunlight ought to give us around 100 W or
>so of energy. Plants might have an efficiency of 10% (probably higher,
>but let's be conservative), which gives 10 W. Hmm, not bad. Perhaps not
>able to sustain us (it is equivalent to a few percent of our daily food
>intake), but definitely able to help a bit, get rid of CO2 in the day and
>give us oxygen. This might be worth thinking of...

(to increase efficiency further continued)

2) The tissue under the skin would need a good ventilation system to avoid
it drawing oxygen from the body in the dark. For hostile atmosphere
environments i'm still looking for a solution.

the idea developed when i was looking for alternatives to the human
digestive system, to increase the energy output needed for the various
additions to the human body that will become available in the future.

It would be most efficient when combined with other sources of energy, as a
versatile posthuman would be better off with multiple systems of energy
production. This would increase his/her opportunities to find resources (be
it light, food, fossil fuel or radio active material) needed to produce that
energy, in order to survive more hostile environments.

It's also a different way of looking at the options we have, including, as
an addition the the more common technological options, a 'greener' option,
which may even appeal to some of our critics. A human efficiently using
solar power, will become less of a strain on his environment.

This is just the first setting out of the idea, (maybe there have been
similar ones, i don't know as i'm new to this group), any one interested in
helping it develop ?

any additions and suggestions are more than welcome.

Joost de Lyser
Participant Evolutionist movement


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