Re: TWA 800: THE CAT IS OUT !!

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Tue Nov 12 1996 - 20:36:02 MST

Ira Brodsky wrote:
> Michael Lorrey wrote:
> >A cynic doubts everything for any reason, and usually in spite of the
> >facts. A skeptic demands truth and proof. There is a difference. Blind
> >optimists usually confuse one for the other..
> According to Webster's dictionary, a cynic is someone who is
> "contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives."
> It is also possible to be skeptical about some things and optimistic about
> others. I tend to be skeptical about suggestive "here's what really
> happened" stories, and optimistic about the future. IMO, not such a bad
> philosophy.

Yet you continue to place faith in agencies who have continually
demonstrated to the world, not just in paranoiacs minds, that they are
lying, theiving, killing scoundrels. A skeptic would demand more hard
proof than just well put assurances from such distrusted groups.


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