Re: Being Artificially Intelligent

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Sun Nov 10 1996 - 17:30:46 MST

At 10/11/96 David Musick wrote: (multiple snips follow)

>I'm proud to proclaim that I am indeed artificially intelligent. Most of
my >intelligence is my own creation, and a lot of it is from other people
who have >taught me and from studying other people's work.
>If something is artificial, that means it is an artifact, created by humans.
>It does not mean "less than real" or "inferior", as many interpret it.
>Everything consciously created is, by definition, "artificial".
>My intelligence is almost entirely my own creation and the creation of other
>humans whom I have learned from.
>The more we direct our growth, the more artificial and self-created we become.
>I am proud to be artificially intelligent, and I am working dilligently on
>becoming even more so.

        I could almost wipe a tear from my eye if I didn't already know
this myself. This is one of (if not *the*) most uplifting posts I have
seen in my months on this list. It takes the vast majority of humankind
many years to figure this out. Most people *never* figure this out. The
sad part (let me lament a little here) is that it is such a simple meme.
People should grow up with this knowledge...know it instinctively. We
create ourselves. We *create*. We are all artists. We are all art. We
*are*. It is so tremendously important for the future of mankind; to
attain progress, we must create. Gandhi had a phrase (also someone's
signature, and a line in one of my poems) that said "You must be the
change you wish to see in the world." As everyone on this list should
know, those words are ultimately true. *We* know that, now the next step
is to show that to others. Again, kudos to David for an excellent post!

                                        Ingredi Externus!

                                                -E. Shaun Russell

E. Shaun Russell Extropian poet\musician

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