Re: Simulating Drug Experiences on Uploaded Beings

From: Hara Ra (
Date: Tue Sep 24 1996 - 23:33:53 MDT

Chris Hind wrote:
> Am I correct that it would be quite simple to simulate drug experiences on
> uploaded beings because you can alter the virtual brain chemistry at will?
> This idea came to me when that guy in alt.extropians accused me of dropping
> acid in science class when I explained the idea of uploading to him.

Surely it depends on the kind of model being used. IMHO, diffusing
signals will have to be part of such models, and many of them might be

More fascinating is that the possible variety of such simulated drug
would vastly exceed what can be done with physical molecules. Check out
Alesander Shulgin which is a fascinating account of what has been done
with molecules...

|  Hara Ra <> |
|  Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061  |

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