Re: Physical Improvements

From: Hara Ra (
Date: Tue Sep 24 1996 - 23:34:56 MDT

Chris Hind wrote:
> >"Youthful idealism" might be partially hormonal, a way to make young males
> >restless and leave the tribe to found new tribes. This apparently declines
> >in most people as they age and become settled, but it might be possible to
> >extend it (an idealism supplement?), which would probably be very healthy to
> >do from time to time to prevent mental aging.
> Is there any hormones that we know of that control this? or any ideas? Is
> there something psychological that can stop us from becoming settled. The
> elders of this newsgroup must have something different about them that the
> rest of the world settles while they keep marching ahead into new undefined
> unexplored territory.


|  Hara Ra <> |
|  Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061  |

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