From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Thu Aug 29 1996 - 20:24:22 MDT

>>Have you ever given thought to the possibility that fuehrers _require_
>>masses, not the converse?
>That is an interesting question, But they do need a leader of some kind to
>inspire and motivate, although that leader doesn't require power. People on
>their own usually will remain quiet and unmotivated except in the most
>extreme situations such as when things get out of hand.

Speak for yourself! When I joined this ML, I did it because I love
conversing with people who have similar views as me. I did NOT join because
someone led me to.

"...That in the words of the poet, When Duty whispers low, Thou must,
    this erstwhile youth replies, I just can't."
                                                    -Ogden Nash

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