RE: Another Hypothesis

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Tue Dec 31 2002 - 13:36:32 MST wrote,
> In addition I referred to having tried to read every citation you
> provided but that some returned an error message or otherwise no
> longer being available.
> No, I do not intend to follow up up any further. So far the
> "evidence" you have offered has turned out to be underwhelming and I quit.

I would be happy to copy the articles and send them to you. But you seem to
have ignored the quotes that I already posted.

Or you could ask one of your trusted friends to do so as well, but they
probably aren't interested in this evidence either.

Or you could try to fix your unreliable browser, which seems to
coincidentally only fail to retrieve articles that you don't want to see.

Or you could paste the links into Google and look at their cache copies of
these articles.

Or you could just quit as you indicated and not try to review any evidence
that contradicts your world view.

Somehow, you still characterize my evidence as "underwhelming" even though
you seem unwilling or unable to look at it. I don't know what else you
expect me to do since all the difficulty seems to be on your end.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>

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