RE: Another Hypothesis

From: Michael P. Read (
Date: Tue Dec 31 2002 - 13:12:19 MST


I think the issue here is what Bush, et. Al. mean by "secret evidence."
Secret to whom? If the people involved in the actual trial
(particularly the defendant and judge) are being denied access to the
evidence against the defendant, there is a problem. If it is "secret
evidence" in that the common public doesn't get to see the evidence,
that might be more excusable in this context. In the quotes I've read
regarding "secret evidence" on this list, it is unclear how they mean

Mike Read

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Harvey Newstrom
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 9:28 AM
Subject: RE: Another Hypothesis wrote,
> Harvey,
> You have discovered a case that I referred to you in an
> email via this list several days ago.
> The other citation you offered me is a case where the
> judge closed the courtroom in the interests of national security.

These two citations don't sound like the list of a eight news stories
that I
posted. I still cannot tell if you are looking at the list I posted
They specifically stated that "secret evidence" was used, using those
words. I don't see how you can miss this with deliberately doing so.

> You have illustrated the problem with your labeling things
> evidence." That label is not precise in its meaning and you give
> us no clue as to exactly what you are talking about.

I have not labeled anything thus. The headlines and newspaper articles
the exact words "secret evidence". The judge, prosecuters and Ashcroft
himself are quoted using the words "secret evidence". How can you read
and still claim that I am reading the concept of secret evidence into
they are saying

You are either very confused or deliberately lying about these articles.
Unless you can point to a specific link and explain why the words
evidence" don't really mean secret evidence, I can't respond to your

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>

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