Re: Another Hypothesis

From: John K Clark (
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 08:15:19 MST

"Harvey Newstrom" <> Wrote:

> I don't like "betting" with peoples lives.

It doesn't matter if you like it or not you do it, you play games with other
peoples life every day, I do too, everybody does. Things do not become more
gentlemanly in war.

> Nor do I like authorizing assassinations without any evidence.

Straw man, only a fool would want to assassinate somebody without some
reason to think it was a good idea.

> In this case, we killed extraneous people

No not "people", one person, and he was almost certainly not extraneous but
guilty as hell.

>to get the one


> I sure hope that we don't keep up that ratio on every
> secret US assassination.

What are you talking about? I would be absolutely delighted if the USA does
half as well in future assassinations, but some thing just have to be done.

> If our soldiers can't kill the enemy without killing innocents, I'd
> say get better intelligence and planning.

If you expect to fight a war without killing any innocents, zero, not one,
then you are living in a dream world.

> If we are willing to kill unrelated innocents to try to win
> our cause against the enemy, how is that different from
> the terrorists?

The USA does everything it can think of to keep the number of innocents hurt
to a minimum and so far has been extraordinarily successful; the terrorists
do everything they can think of to keep the number of innocents hurt to a
maximum and so far have been extraordinarily successful.

        John K Clark

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