Re: Another Hypothesis

Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 07:38:42 MST

In a message dated 12/30/2002 1:27:49 AM Central Standard Time, writes: You are changing the subject. I am not
complaining about any legislation. I am proving that the current Bush
administration uses secret evidence against suspects. I proved that.
## No Harvey, to prove that someone back in the 90s did something does not
prove that the Bush administration is doing anything. Further the thank you
letter from the ACLU tends to prove that the Bush administration is doing no
such thing.

Harvey continues: "It doesn't matter if it occurred before or after a
specific date or which piece of legislation allowed it. I have clearly
refuted your claim that the current Bush administration hasn't used secret
##Sorry, I don't think you have even offered any proof. When I chase your
stuff down it turns out to be much ado about nothing. I have tracked down
the citations you offered and numerous ones simply return no evidence.

       Harvey, I think what you are offering us is a tempest in a teapot, you
have made too much stew with one oyster. However, I think it is worth your
pursuing the matter and I thank you. Personally I think we should always be
very supicious of government and your attitude is commendable.
Ron h.

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