Re: Another Hypothesis

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sun Dec 29 2002 - 07:35:00 MST

On Sunday, December 29, 2002, at 07:09 am, wrote:

> In a message dated 12/29/2002 12:34:25 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes: I think Samantha was talking about the
> Big
> Brother kind of surveillance where you are put away with secret
> evidence that
> you are not allowed to see and is not presented to the courts.
> Harvey,
> I keep hearing this sort of allegation but never any specifics.
> I
> will deeply appreciate seeing this documented as opposed to only being
> alleged.
> Ron h.

Just go the ACLU site and search for "secret evidence":

This lists specific cases, specific individuals, congress members
speaking out against secret evidence, court cases arguing for and
against secret evidence, etc. Bob Barr and others have introduced
legislation to ban secret evidence.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP		<>

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