Date: Sat Dec 28 2002 - 15:19:28 MST

MJ asked:

<<What will Organics evolve into after AI ?  Hopefully hundreds of new
species all able to "link" consciousness from time to time.  Hopefully the
AI's we create will enjoy the company and diversity of organics and not see
us as vermin to be eradicated to purify the ecosystem.
MJ >>

I think it was Freeman Dyson, in Imagined World, who postulated the concept
of radio telepathy, via nanoelectronics implanted in the human nervous

His son, author, George Dyson,Darwin Among the Machines, see's human
existance as central to the development and propagation of SIAI. We are the
element that decides on quality, on value, etc. Much of this "quality and
value" will be needed for even SIAI to detect shot from shinola.

I would venture, the SI part of SIAI is the human element of the combination.
Few children destroy their parents, and techinically speaking, the machines
are not necessarilly, another species, anymore then filings in teeth, or
contact lenses or heart pacemakers are another species.


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