New Issue of The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Thu Dec 26 2002 - 12:52:15 MST

The Fall 2002 issue of THE JOURNAL OF AYN RAND STUDIES (Volume 4, Number
has been published. It includes the following articles:

Reason, Emotion, and the Importance of Philosophy - Wayne Davis

If "Emotions are Not Tools of Cognition," What Are They?: An
Exploration of the Relationship between Reason and Emotion - Marsha
Familaro Enright

Rand on Obligation and Value - Douglas B. Rasmussen

A Revival of the Ancient Tradition of Ethics: Aristotle versus Rand -
Darrin Walsh

Conceptualism in Abelard and Rand - Peter Saint-Andre

The Libertarian Minimal State?: A Critique of the Views of Nozick,
Levin, and Rand - Walter Block

Ayn Rand in the Scholarly Literature II: Rand, Rush, and Rock - Chris
Matthew Sciabarra

A Neglected Source for Rand's Aesthetics - Roger E. Bissell


Reply to William Dwyer:  Compatibilism and Evolution - George Lyons
Reply to William Dwyer:  Free Will Reconsidered - Tibor R. Machan
Rejoinder to Lyons and Machan:  Free Will and Determinism - William
Reply to Leland B. Yeager:  Rhetorical Incorrectness? - James Arnt Aune
Rejoinder to Aune:  On "Rhetorical Incorrectness?"  - Leland B. Yeager
Reply to Jonathan Jacobs:  Contesting a Review - David Kelley
For abstracts on the current articles, point your browsers to:
For current contributor biographies, point your browsers to:
And for those who would like to visit our home page, to find out more
about back issues and stylistic guidelines for submissions, please point
your browsers to:
A happy and healthy new year to all.
Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Chris Matthew Sciabarra
Visiting Scholar, NYU Department of Politics
726 Broadway, 7th floor
New York, New York 10003
Dialectics & Liberty Website:
The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies:

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