Re: stem cell ++ spin

Date: Mon Dec 23 2002 - 14:04:50 MST

       I noticed a paragraph in the article that went, "One of Reagan's White
House assistants, Michael Deaver, says in the article that when he was told
that "some conservatives contend that Ronald Reagan would never have approved
of embryonic stem cell research, he retorted, 'Ronald Reagan didn't have to
take care of Ronald Reagan for the last 10 years."
       I admire Ronald Reagan greatly and have no idea whether that story is
accurate or not but it does point out something I regard a a basic
fundamental fact of human nature -- about the hardest work that exists is to
change ones ways. It is very painful and usually doesn't happen until not
changing becomes more painful.
       If 35% don't support the research then mathematically 65% do support
it. The 65% should be able to feel the pain of not changing very easily, the
other 35% can be educated or gotten around.
       If W can order a good thing to cease by his will, contrary to what the
majority wants, then that is not the kind of government we want and that can
be made to change.
Ron h.


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