stem cell ++ spin

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Mon Dec 23 2002 - 13:45:09 MST

Interestingly, yesterday's rather conservative and religion-biased newspaper
The San Antonio Express-News prominently ran this pro-stem cell research
piece by Tom Dodge on the first page of their Insight section, with a big
carry over on the back page. Dodge's son was badly messed up in a diving

It ends:


Weapons of mass destruction is the current mantra around the world. Why
can't there be weapons of mass construction?

Most people do, in fact, support stem cell research, and despite federal
government restrictions, things are happening. California has gone beyond
federal policy by allowing research on embryos created from therapeutic

Just a few days ago, Stanford University announced a new effort to develop
human embryonic stem cells through nuclear transfer technology. "Our goal is
to advance science," the medical professor who will direct the program said.
"For any group to stay out of the action and wait for someone else to do it
because of political reasons is wrong."

The Juvenile Diabetes Research foundation announced a campaign recently to
raise $20 million to fund embryonic and adult stem cell research in eight
countries and, with Sweden, laid out $7.5 million for embryonic stem cell
research in that country. The Michael J. Fox Parkinson's Research Foundation
also is supportive.

So there's hope, although in our more cynical moments Lindon and I fear that
the only certain way to end the so-called ethical debate on government
support of stem cell research treatment is some sort of universal
self-interest. We're waiting for studies to show that stem cell research
also prevents aging.


Truer than Mr Dodge realizes...

Damien Broderick

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