Re: Christmas weird research

From: Terry W. Colvin (
Date: Sun Dec 22 2002 - 21:28:03 MST

Samantha Atkins wrote:
> wrote:
> > Jay,
> > Notice the title that Playboy models get more androgynous over time?
> > I still think the gays have gotten into the process. Their ideal woman is a
> > teenage boy with two quarts of silicone on his chest.
> > Ron h.
> This is an inappropiate slam with no value to this list
> whatsoever. It is also demonstrably false. Many homosexual men
> don't have remotely any such thing as an "ideal woman" and to
> the extent they do thing of women it is not, judging by their
> writings, characterizations, drag queens ans so on, a teenage
> boy with big boobs. And of course homosexual men are only one
> side of the coin. Lesbian women have determinely no single
> "ideal woman" image. The very notion is anathema. The fashion
> model ideal came out of the heads of fashion folk alright but it
> is not particularly "gay" in origin.
> - samantha

This trend of female fashion models looking like sexy boys seems to be
reversing in recent years. Women who have some meat on their bones are
beginning to appear. The media doll or fashion model came into being
just after World War II based on the research below:


Case Study of "Manchurian Candy"
     The world knew Candy Jones as one of the most successful American fashion
models of the 1940s; however, she led a secret life as a "Manchurian Candidate"
agent for the U.S. intelligence services during the Cold War. Her life is
analyzed in this tale of multiple personality, conspiracy, and hypnotic mind
control and fantasy life. She married Long John Nebel, the Art Bell radio host
of his day, in 1972, after a 28 day courtship. He began noticing her voice and
posture changing. Her affluent parents did physically and sexually abuse her.
Nebel hypnotized his wife, asking questions and taping the amazing results.
Donald Bain's book, The Control of Candy Jones, records this tale. Her fashion
office in New York became a FBI mail drop in 1960. That year she met a World War
II acquaintance, Dr Gilbert Jensen, in San Francisco. He said he worked for the
CIA in an Oakland office. Candy needed cash, having three sons in private
schools, and so agreed to Jensen's offer to help covert intelligence. He used
hypnotic techniques and intravenous injections of highly experimental drugs.
Arlene, her evil persona, received intensive CIA training, testing, and
exploitation that are too graphic to describe here. [TWC] As a media doll Candy
Jones shares the dream-machine of television and Hollywood movie characters,
more "system-animal" than human. Candy's first husband, Harry Conover
(1946-1959), created the 'cover girl' concept after World War II, starting his
business with a matching loan of $500 from Gerald Ford, President of the USA
(1974-1977). Ford, a male model at the time, knew Conover as a room-mate. [This
article ends with a tie-in to my installment seven, subliminal messaging.]
(Bennett, 2001)

Bennett, C. (2001, August). Manchurian Candy. Fortean Times 148, 34-39.

Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < >
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