RE: STEM CELLS: The plot thickens

From: Reason (
Date: Sat Dec 21 2002 - 17:00:40 MST

---> Robert J. Bradbury
> If you want to read about biomedical science at its
> "best" (in terms of controversy), take a look at this article:
> December 21, 2002
> Word War Breaks Out in Research on Stem Cells
> Debates don't get much better than "sharp disagreements".
> It is worth noting that stem cell research is moving forward
> in China at warp speed, entirely devoid of politics and spin
> found in the U.S. so Extropians need not be overly concerned
> with Kass & Co.

I really don't think we can afford to let people like Kass go unchallenged.
It's fairly clear where as to his ambitions lie in terms of hindering or
preventing as much of this research as he can -- killing people, in effect.
Given that it's not clear what our margin of safety is in terms of making it
to radical life extension technologies, I don't think we can afford to let
research be hindered or prevented anywhere.

My current thoughts on managable distributed activism run along the lines of
letter writing campaigns to research facilities, corporations and funds
putting money into this sort of thing. Tell them we appreciate what they're
doing, want them to stand up to government luddites, think the government
should mind their own business, and that we'll be first in line to buy real
anti-aging products. I think that will do more good per letter than trying
to talk to politicians.


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