Re: Anti-singularity?

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Sat Dec 21 2002 - 03:17:14 MST

On Sat, 21 Dec 2002, Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

> Could it be possible we are approaching some limit on the phase
> space of what humans (or teams of humans) are capable of? I.e.
> to push the envelope further requires transhumans or AIs.

I don't agree that we're not making progress. Arguably the biggest thing
coming is nanotechnology (I'm glad to see that despite Forbes putting up a
meaningless laundry list of

  Organic polymers
  Superhard coatings
  Hydrogen fuels
  Tissue engineering
  Genetically modified food
  Bacteria-based drugs
  Simplified software coding

for voting most people realized that nanotechnology covers all of the
other list and it showed in the vote.

Even without Far East emerging as the world leader in R&D I'd think even
EU and US alone would have continued making progress. We ain't seen
nothing yet.

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