Re: Christmas weird research

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 12:28:07 MST

Dickey, Michael F wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Olga Bourlin []
> "Personally, in general, I prefer the so called intellectual as a type."
> So true!!! Being male everyone thinks I must prefer the stereotypical
> playboy model...

These observations may be understood better if we recognize
the purpose of the models. Fashion magazines are primary
bought by women, so the models found therein are placed in
ads designed for selling clothing to women. The Playboy
models are chosen to sell magazines to men. Models in
motorcycle mags are chosen to draw mostly hetero male
eyes to the ads to sell bikes.

The ad people are good: they know what works, for what
purpose. Next time you see an ad, try to figure out the
intended audience and how the model would make that
intended audience feel.

Then ask the same question of television ads: which are
the most effective in influencing you to buy whatever
it is they are selling? What are the very most effective
ads? I would suggest the best made are actually beer
commercials. They are creative, funny, they do get one
in the mood to devour beer. Think like an ad man, and you
will understand why models look the way they do. spike

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