Re: The Baen library

From: Charles Hixson (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 11:53:33 MST

Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

>>(Max M <>):
>>I recently became aware of:
>>There are a lot of SF books for free download.
>>I don't recognise any of the authors as being of >H interrest myself,
>>but maybe someone on the list does. If so, feel free to point them out.
>I don't think any of the authors are explicitly transhumanists, but
>Flynn's "Fallen Angels" has a very pro-technology anti-luddite theme
>to it.
Some very good authors. I suppose that SOME of the Telzy stories could
be consider ... if not trans-human, then something similar. This is
basically because JW Campbell was so fond of super-heros. (But also
consider the stories about the Psycology Corps ... much close, but not
included in the collections. Esp. "Sour Note on Palayata", "A Tale of
Two Clocks", etc.)

The James H. Schmitz "Agent of Vega" also deals with SuperHuman
characters blended with machines, for the same reasons. (A 1940's
perspective on where AI could lead. Dated, but quite interesting.)

Also consider whether you should think of aliens as transhumans in
disguise. They all seem to react very much the way people woud.

Additionally, I'm not familiar with "The Lion of Farside", but many of
John Dalmas works could be taken as being about transhumans. (Actually,
he's more of the "Virtual Universe" school... but doesn't that count?)

That said, it's a pity that the selections are so restricted, but it's
also easily understandable. In particular, I wish that he carried a
large selection of out of print works, though I certainly understand the
economic rationale for not doing so. (Maybe he could negotiate for the
right to carry a work if someone else entered the text? [Not that I'm
volunteering. The ones I'm most interested in are the ones that I don't
have access to.])

But it's a shame that so many works languish unreprinted because of
copyright restrictions. That does nobody any good.

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