Liberals and conservatives (was Noam Chomsky)

From: John K Clark (
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 11:37:12 MST

"Charles Hixson" <>

>A liberal is someone eager to try new ideas, and a conservative
> is someone who wished to stick with the ideas that he already
> "knows how they work".)

The main opposition to genetically modified food comes from the Greens,
people who call themselves liberal. School vouchers are a new thing to try
but it's opposed by liberals and endorsed by conservatives. Lowering taxes
would give individuals more freedom by letting people use more of their
money as they see fit but today's liberals don't want to hear anything about
it. I wouldn't be insulted if you called me a liberal, in the 19'th century
sense that is.

   John K Clark

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