Re: Noam Chomsky (was RE: joinThe American Peace Movement)

From: Jeff Davis (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 23:38:55 MST

--- wrote:

"You don't know about the tortured prisoners under
Daniel Ortega? Of course not. The newspapers of the
time were full of those stories but you didn't know


In the middle of the Reagan era, in the middle of the
contra war, the newspapers of the time are filled with
stories of prisoners tortured by the commie adversary.
 Imagine that. And you bought it. Uncritically.

Says it all.

You know about Google? Show me some sources. Read
the documents. Stop wasting my time.

Best, Jeff Davis

"While it is not true that all conservatives are
stupid people, it is nevertheless undeniable that
practically all stupid people are conservative."
                    John Stuart Mill

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