Re: Noam Chomsky (was RE: joinThe American Peace Movement)

From: spike66 (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 21:31:31 MST wrote:
> In a message dated 12/12/2002 11:53:18 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes: It was installing a puppet government
> after the sabatoge of the Geneva Convention (I forget it's real name). This
> was justified by the current at that time anti-communist hysteria (and again,
> I can't think of a better word).
> Charles,
> I remember this lesson from English 101. It was the lesson on using
> "loaded language." First you used the word "invade" where factually it is
> totally unjustified. When I called you on it you evaded me with an excuse...

I can't take any of you guys to one of my neighborhood
block parties. My area is full of Vietnamese, many of
whom fled the communists and many who lost it all or had
family members slain by communists. There are those who
risked it all to get on a riverboat and put out to sea to
escape Vietnam.

If anyone even mentions the word communist at one of those
parties, they soon start telling their stories. The result
is bone chilling, scary. They mean it. Listening to them
gave me a whole new view of the Vietnam war. spike

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