Re: Noam Chomsky (was RE: joinThe American Peace Movement)

Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 11:17:16 MST

In a message dated 12/12/2002 11:53:18 AM Central Standard Time, writes: It was installing a puppet government
after the sabatoge of the Geneva Convention (I forget it's real name). This
was justified by the current at that time anti-communist hysteria (and again,
I can't think of a better word).

       I remember this lesson from English 101. It was the lesson on using
"loaded language." First you used the word "invade" where factually it is
totally unjustified. When I called you on it you evaded me with an excuse.
       Then you ignore that the South Vietnamese government basically had its
justification in the many people that fled there to escape the government in
the North and in the treaty that the government of North Vietnam freely
agreed to giving South Vietnam separate existence. This was done freely by
the Northern government although about five or six years later they suddenly
decided that the Southern government was illegitimate despite their word
given in treaty.
       Then you continue in that vein ignoring treaty, ignoring history and
ignoring common sense. If you wish to prove that the North was right and the
South Vietnamese with the Americans were totally wrong then I suggest you
take this argument to an arena where free speech isn't allowed -- otherwise
your tactics will be shown for what they are.
Ron h.

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