Re: Iraq: example to Iran, NK, Pakistan, India

From: Mitchell Porter (
Date: Thu Dec 12 2002 - 14:54:29 MST

Charles Hixson wrote:

>Avatar Polymorph wrote:
>>The Iraqi war is due to the non-Western nuclear arms race.
>That's the best excuse I've seen yet. It may actually be the real one!
>(Not that we'll ever know for certain.)

The theory that I support can be found at It's
along these lines: The anthrax in the post-9/11 letters came from
Iraq, and they know this in the White House. They also know that
it represents a credible threat to kill millions, against which
they are presently helpless. They therefore do not dare to attack
Saddam head-on; that's what his doomsday threat is meant to deter,
it's precisely the circumstance under which it would be used. There
will, therefore, be no war unless and until something upsets the
new balance of terror between the USA and Iraq. Instead, the weapons
inspectors will be used to blunt the threat, by locating WMD
facilities and overseeing their destruction in a UN-mandated fashion,
just as they did during the 1990s.

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