American Imperialism Rages Unchecked 1989 - present

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 23:53:43 MST

Q. What were some former highly successful world superpowers?

A. Roman Empire 100BC-400AD, Mongol Empire 1200-1400, Spain
   1450-1700, Great Britain 1700-1918.

Q. What about superpowers later on, especially the the second half
   of the twentieth century?

A. The USSR: 1943 - 1989
   The USA: 1918 -

Q. What happened?

A. The two world superpowers fought a nasty *cold* war (bless them)---
   American imperialism at every turn was countered by Soviet imperialism
   and vice-versa, until the collapse of international Communism in 1989,
   which left American aggression a clear field. Finally, the Americans
   were totally unopposed militarily---just what they had been waiting for.

Q. What would you have expected to have happened then? That is, what
   would Rome, or Spain, or Great Britain have done?

A. 1991: U.S. Army invades Mexico and Central America and sets up American
          colonies, demands light tribute from Japan and Europe. Former
          Communist countries and UK lackey are excepted, but all other
          countries in the world (who can do so) are also required to pay
          nominal sums in "protection" money.

   1992: U.S. institutes Marshall plan for Eastern European countries
          to enable them to eventually be able to pay tribute too.

   1993: Ultimatums issued to all South American and African countries
          to adopt free market economies, eliminate corruption, and
          begin showing a profit. Or else.

   1995: Nuclear destruction of Ascuncion, Paraguay, and Bangui,
          Central African Republic as object lessons to the remaining
          South American and African countries not complying with market
          and property reforms.

          Threat of total war forces nuclear disarmament of Pakistan,
          India, and China. Sino-American war avoided at last moment,
          at enormous U.S. financial cost. India and Israel forced
          to abandon socialist practices, and to improve their economies.

   1996: U.S. Annexes Canada and Australia, creating states 51-58.
          Arrest of most prominent Canadians and Australians on charges
          of anti-American subversion.

   1997: Ultimatum issued to Russia to improve economy or else.
          Hydrogen bomb devastation of three more small African nations.
          Nuclear disarmament of Israel, South Africa, France, and
          Russia obtained at considerable U.S. expense.
   1998: Increased tribute requirements result in rebellions in
          Poland, Indonesia, Egypt, Israel, and Morocco which are
          savagely suppressed. Germany and Scandinavian countries
          forced to drop socialist programs and increase tribute.

   1999: Atomic bomb detonations on U.S. soil results in the destruction
          of Chicago, Denver, and Atlanta. In retaliation, thirty-one
          cities in the middle east are H-bombed, including the 80 megaton (!)
          annihilation of Tehran.

   2000: All nations paying tribute are deemed adequate except Russia,
          Romania, Poland, Israel, France, New Zealand, Namibia. Stern
          warnings issued.

   2000: Except for sporadic terrorism, ongoing repression and
          arrest of numerous dissidents---and minor rebellions
          here and there occasionally suppressed by atomic attack,
          Pax Americana complete in most respects.

Q. But that didn't happen. Why?

A. Dunno, exactly.


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