Retaining Civility

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 23:26:33 MST

Jeff Davis writes

> Wrong again, John.
> Either stick to a subject you know something about,
> check your sources, or shut the fuck up.

I find two things egregiously wrong with the sentiment
expressed here. One is that no one has any obligation
whatsoever to stick to a subject they know something
about. One of the delights of a forum like this is
that people are and should feel free to spout off about
anything they feel like.

Provided only that they do it in good taste. Which
brings me to my second point.

Does anyone here really need to tell anyone to shut up,
and moreover to use abusive or profane language to convey
the suggestion? Let's keep to our rather excellent
civility, overall.


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