Access to Extropy

From: Phil Osborn (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 21:18:03 MST

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't done much
posting of late. There have been various reasons. My
experiment with multiple personalities has us all
confused, (Not me!) altho my love life has certainly

However, one underlying reason is that it now takes a
full minute to load the list title menu, since it went
from displaying the past 3 months to displaying a full
year. As the library system that I typically use does
not allow the option of opening everything into a new
window, this means that each time I return to the
list, there is another full minute wait before I can
access it.

Since I'm working from a very high speed connection -
which is why I use the libary computers, this tells me
that most people will be waiting for several minutes
just for the list to load. Assuming that a purpose of
the list is outreach, this seems to miss the point.
Of course, I could go back to having the new posts
sent to an email address, but then I would be back to
spending 30 minutes a day just deleting stuff I wasn't
interested in.

One solution might be to format the list itself to
always open a new window, taking control away from the
browser options. Meanwhile, we certainly have plenty
to do on our own here...

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