AI - Advisors and Think Tankers

Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 12:09:50 MST

What individuals would you suggest as spearheading in the field of
Artifical Intelligence and Humanities?

Are there 10 people today that you would like to see as advisory or think
tank contributors for extropian thinking and transhumanity?

Please email me privately, if you prefer.

Some people I have referenced --

Hal Abelson
Ted Adelson
Brian Atkins
Sabine Atkins
Fredric Bartlett
Jerome Bruner
John Carroll
David Chalmers
Noam Chomsky
William Clancey
Michael Cole
Edward deBono
Daniel Dennett
John Dewey
Hubert Dreyfus
Gerald Edelman
Howard Gardner
Ben Goertzel
Stevan Harnad
Douglas Hofstadter
David Hume
John Josephson
Karl Lashley
George Lakoff
Brenda Laurel
John McCarthy
Warren McCulloch
Drew McDermott
George Miller
Marvin Minsky
Allen Newell
Donald Norman
Ulric Neisser
Seymore Papert
Jean Piaget
Roger Schank
John Searle
Herbert Simon
Paul Thagard
Sherry Turkle
Alan Turing
Mark Turner
Francisco Varela
Peter Voss
Heinz von Foerster
Lev Vygotsky
Terry Winograd
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Wilhelm Wundt
Eliezer Yudkowsky

and, or,

Güven Güzeldere and Stefano Franchi, Philosophy, Stanford University,
Philip E. Agre, Communications, University of California at San Diego
Bruce Mazlish, Department of History, MIT,
Geneviève Teil and Bruno Latour, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France,
Michael Johnson, English Department, Kansas University
Douglas R. Hofstadter, Computer and Cognitive Science, Indiana University,
Margaret Boden, Cognitive Science, Sussex University, England,
Harold Cohen, Art, University of California, San Diego,
Güven Güzeldere and Stefano Franchi, Philosophy, Stanford University,
Stephen Wilson, Art Department, San Francisco State University,
Serge Sharoff, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Moscow, Russia,
Maurizio Matteuzzi, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università di Bologna,
Tom Burke, Department of Philosophy, Stanford University,
James Fetzer, Department of Philosophy, University of Minnesota at Duluth ,
Alain M. Rieu, Maison Franco-Japonaise and University of Tokyo,
Francisco Varela, CREA, Paris,
Stefano Franchi, Güven Güzeldere and Eric Minch, Stanford University,
Heinz von Foerster, Pescadero, California,

Thank you!


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