RE: Noam Chomsky and Cambodia

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 00:32:51 MST

Lee Corbin:

>John Clark *really* said it all:

> > when Chomsky criticizes
> > Israel in one breath and denies the Holocaust in another

That would indeed be shocking, but is it true? Consider the following rather
interesting sentences from

< It should therefore not surprise us that Holocaust denial is also
anti-Zionist. >

followed shortly by

< Chomsky has described the Holocaust as "the most fantastic outburst of
collective insanity in human history". Yet this did not lead him to prevent
a piece he had allegedly written purely to uphold the right of free speech
from being used as an introduction to one of Faurisson's books. It also did
not stop him from giving Guillaume publication rights in France to one of
his important books. As Professor Werner Cohn has pointed out in his
pamphlet "The Hidden Alliances of Noam Chomsky", Guillaume's publishing
house is a very obscure one and, if it has any credibility at all, it has it
in good measure as a result of the connection with Chomsky. >

This is indeed very peculiar behavior from a liberal standpoint, but it
might make a bit more sense from a libertarian or anarchist one. Certainly
it is plain that one can't simultaneously `deny the Holocaust' while
describing it as `the most fantastic outburst of collective insanity in
human history'. So John Clark has not *really* said it all; more remains to
be said. (And of course it has been said, but it's late...)

Damien Broderick

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