RE: Noam Chomsky and Cambodia

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 00:11:45 MST

Usually, I hate "me too" posts.

But John Clark *really* said it all:

> "Pat Inniss" <> Wrote:
> >couldn't we at least agree that, as rationalists, we should all be
> >"anti-Israel?"
> Like every country Israel has done some very bad things and I think the
> American relationship to Israel is far too cozy, but if you mean taking a
> anti Israel stance in relation to the Arab Jewish conflict then no, I don't
> agree we should be anti Israeli. I might add that when Chomsky criticizes
> Israel in one breath and denies the Holocaust in another he loses any
> respect I may have had for the man, yet the gullible still buy his books and
> sit at his feet while this moral imbecile lectures them on ethics.
> >Israel is a state whose premise is the inherent superiority of one
> >religious group over others
> Something no Islamic state would ever dream of doing of course.
> John K Clark

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