Re: Join The American Peace Movement

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Sun Dec 08 2002 - 11:11:27 MST

--- wrote:
> Ron h stated:
> <<Have you read the papers lately? My reading is that the American
> government is conducting a diplomatice war against the Saudis.
> Ron h >>
> I keep hearing how, during the warning statement from Condolezza
> Rice, to the Saudi Ambassador, the President stopped by to invite
> the Ambassador out to dinner. This communicates an embracement,
> again, of the Saudi regime, by another American president. Daddy
> Bush is a consultant to the Carlyle Group,
> along with James Baker III. The Carlyle Group are consultants to the
> House of Saud. Bubba Clinton was just as warm-hearted to the
> Saudis. If, as many will state, the interests of Israel, are not
> the same as the interests of the USA, then the interests of the
> Saudis, must be even less, then the interests of the USA.

This is a rather thin argument, given that the Saudis completely
understand the arab concept of holding your enemies closer than even
your friends... which I'm sure Rice and Pappy Bush understand as well.

> My sense is that there is no campaign against the Saudi support of
> jihad, as you have indicated, but rather the desire of the
> President to protect them from criticism from a bi-partisan
> Congress;

I see it as a good cop / bad cop play that is going on. The Saudis,
being authoritarians and educated at OxBridge, understand western
monarchy. They therefore would see the Presidency as a natural ally to
turn to and to receive honest and trustworthy advice and support. The
congress, being the instrument of the chattering masses, and in their
view, the Jew controlled liberal media and Democratic Party, as well as
bigoted conservative Christians, thus naturally fits into the role of
bad cop very well.
So long as the congress is raising hell at the Saudis expense, the
Saudis are going to depend on the Bush administration to not only stand
up for them in public, but also to give them constructive ideas in
private to reform themselves to improve their public image.

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